1. Title
UNNExt Guide for the Design of Aligned Trade Forms for Paperless Trade
2. Date of issuance/publishment
3. Website
4. Details of the entity that has ownership on this instrument
a. Name
United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific and United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
b. Email
c. Website
The Guide describes the design of paper trade documents aligned to international standards, with a view to later automation through electronic exchange of trade documents and automated information processing (paperless trade). This Guide aims to support trade facilitators in developing aligned series of trade forms. The process described in the Guide facilitates later development of electronic documents for use in paperless trade and Single Window.
6. Relevant documents
7. Geographical application scope of this instrument
8. This instrument is related to:
Public Info and advocacy material
9. Standard nature of this implementation instrument
Technical guide