
A. General Information

1. Title

China's International E-Cert Cooperation

2. Status of the project
3. Implementation period of the project/service:
5. Geographical coverage
Participating countries: China
6. Participating agencies/entities of the project/service:
a. Development stage
Lead agencies/entities
GACC (General Administration of Customs, PRC)
Other participating agencies/entities
b. Operational stage
Lead agencies/entities (op)
GACC (General Administration of Customs, PRC)
Other participating agencies/entities (op)
7. Main stakeholders/beneficiaries of the project
Other Government Agencies (OGAs)
8. Business process category of the project
Commercial Transactions
Regulatory/official control

B. Lessons Learned

9. Summary description of the project/service
Brief Summary

The China E-cert system provides electronic inspection and quarantine certificates in accordance with international standards which ensures security, authenticity, timely delivery and online data exchange.


a. Objective(s)

The fundamental solution to counterfeiting certificates and the most effective way to promote trade facilitation is to set up international mechanism of on-line verification on e-cert, by close cooperation between governments. 

b. Business need for the project (background)

In order to maintain the reputation of Chinese-made products, GACC (General Administration of Customs, PRC) has committed to take effective measures to improve quality and efficiencies, cracked down on counterfeiting certificates. 

c. Business process covered*

By carrying out international verification of electronic certificate, mainly the sanitary and phytosanitary certificate, the project could improve the customs clearance efficiency of import goods, enhance the safety of official certificate, effectively prevent fake certificates, ensure the quality safety of import and export products, reduce the transaction costs of stakeholders and enhance the facilitation level of cross-border trade. 

d. Overall architecture and functionalities*

System docking and online data exchange in real time have been achieved by setting up an official mechanism of inspection and quarantine e-Cert verification. 

e. Relevant document/figure
10. Documents and data exchanged via the project

Electronic certificate, mainly the sanitary and phytosanitary certificate. 

11. Data models/databases, proprietary solutions, hybrid approaches
12. Main challenges faced during the project

System docking and e-Cert encryption. 

13. Lessons learned from the project

The application of E-cert enhances the understanding and cooperation between China and other countries. It plays a positive role on the following aspects. 

  • Speed up the consignment clearance ;
  • Eradicate counterfeiting certificates and
  •  Keep the communication channel unblocked 
14. Main benefit(s) of the project
Transaction Time savings
Increased trade flow
14A. Elaborations/detailed description on benefits gained
  • Promoting international trade facilitation 
  • Ensure quality, hygiene & security of I/E products 
  • Effectively preventing counterfeiting certificates 
  • Enhancing security of official certificates 
  • Facilitating consignments clearance 
15. Technical/financial/capacity building/other assistance
16. Future plan for expansion of the project

1. further perfecting the functions of the China e-Cert 

On the basis of summing up the previous experiences of promotion, China will further accelerate the development of e-Cert and related applications and optimize the functions and enhance the level of intelligentization. We welcome advices on the China e-Cert System from countries around the world, and will try our best to meet the needs by making the China e-Cert System a much more powerful, handy and influential project. 

2. promoting international e-Cert development 

China would like to share our experiences on e-Cert with foreign countries and help the countries interested in. Meanwhile, we would keep doing research on international e-Cert, in order to promote the standardization of international e-Cert and improve the level of global e-Cert. 

3. accelerating the process of paperless certification 

Paperless is the general trend of international e-Cert cooperation. We are willing to strive together with our partners to fulfill the paperless-ization of export certificate through the on-line verification of e-Cert. 

17. Other information or relevant references on the project
18. Relevant document regarding the project

C. Relevant Standards

20. Electronic message standard
20A. Electronic message standard supporting the project
20B. Type of standard for electronic message applied for the project
International standard
21. Technical communication standard
21A. Technical communication standard supporting the project
the Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP)
21B. Type of technical communication standard applied for the project
International standard
22. Security-related standards*
22A. Security-related standard supporting the project
Digital signatures
22B. Type of security-related standard applied for the project
International standard
23. Other Technical Information
23A. Interface developed for data exchange with an internal system
23B. Other technical implementation information