A. General Information
CISE – Common Information Sharing Environment data exchange between maritime surveillance
B. Lessons Learned
The Common Information Sharing Environment is an EU initiative which aims to make European and EU/EEA Member States surveillance systems interoperable to give all concerned authorities from different sectors access to the classified and unclassified information they need to conduct missions at sea.
The Common Information Sharing Environment (CISE) is an EU initiative which aims to make European and EU/EEA Member States surveillance systems interoperable to give all concerned authorities from different sectors access to the classified and unclassified information they need to conduct missions at sea.
Integrated maritime surveillance is about providing authorities interested or active in maritime surveillance with ways to exchange information and data. Sharing data will make surveillance cheaper and more effective.
The overarching objective of CISE is to enhance awareness of what is happening at sea and thus ensure safer, more secure and cleaner seas.In line with the ISA objectives, this requires to set up common specifications enabling trusted cross-sector and cross border data exchange between national public administrations.
Due to the organizational complexity and the diversity of legacy systems at national level across the EU, the automatic exchange of data among national authorities remains limited in the field of maritime surveillance.
The development of common semantic, technical and organizational interoperability specifications/solutions allowing seamless data exchange among legacy systems is a key-enabler to enhance cross-border and cross-sector data sharing.
Overall, CISE enables an effective understanding of all activities carried out at sea that could impact the security, safety, economy or environment of the EU and its member countries.CISE project will make European and national maritime surveillance systems interoperable, enabling all concerned authorities to exchange information in an automatic and secure way.
Exchange of information between different EU and national authorities belonging to seven maritime sectors.
Introducing Data model, Service model, Governance model, Security model.
-Introducing registry of authorities and services (a software tool that will provide information about the authorities, their systems and the information they make available within CISE)
-CISE gateways (Interface among legacy systems enabling the implementation of the CISE service model).
European and national maritime surveillance systems interoperable, enabling all concerned authorities to exchange information in an automatic and secure way.
-Entity management data (e.g Ship register, crew list)
- Traffic management data (e.g declared origin of density)
- Spatial data (e.g passageways or hydrography)
- Event management data (e.g accident or lending of dangerous cargoes)
- other all necessary data, documents requested by authorities.
Please refer to the link for the details: http://www.emsa.europa.eu/technical-specifications
-Not enough time to test specs before making them legal requirement
-Information exchange projects take time
-Some member states redesigned their initial data management systems
-Voluntary approach also implies that the stakeholders who can invest will have greater influence on the outcome.
-Trying to limit the operational overlap between available systems.
-Building central components and interfaces is no enough; focusing on business implementation is necessary.
-Governance needs to be planned and funded.
-Identifying remaining legal obstacles as early as possible.
-Using the frontrunners and their success stories to entice others.
Enhanced maritime situational awareness as key enabler of the overall safety, security and environmental protection of the EU maritime domain.
Considerable cost savings for public administrations and enhancement of the effectiveness of the operational activities of the maritime authorities.
Effective implementation and enforcement of the EU legislation in the fields of maritime safety and security, border control and fisheries control, customs and environment.
Enhanced cooperation between EU agencies, national and regional maritime public authorities, allowing for an improved governance of the seas.
Enhancement of competitiveness and demand for interoperable surveillance capabilities, opening up new market opportunities and job opportunities.
EMSA (European Maritime Safety Agency) and JRC (Joint Research Center) are providing technical, operational support to the project.
With the CISE Transitional Phase the Commission prepares the future Operational Phase. The following activities are to be performed in this phase:
Support the Member States in joining the CISE Network and in offering new data exchange services to other Public Authorities in Europe
Involve the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) in the maintenance of the CISE Network and in the steering of the process along with the Member States
Further develop and maintain the interoperability specifications of CISE (CISE data and service model)
Maintain the CISE Common Components to ensure the security, scalability and maintainability required by the operational phase
Prepare the future governance of CISE
EU member states’ authorities involved in maritime safety and security, marine environmental protection, fisheries control, border control, law enforcement, customs, defense.
EU commission’s DGs and Agencies