A. General Information
eTir International System for contracting parties to the TIR convention
B. Lessons Learned
eTir international system aims to ensure a secure exchange of data between customs systems related to the international transit of goods, vehicles, and containers. Turkey launched two bilateral eTIR projects with Iran (C2B / B2C) and Georgia (C2B).
eTir project aimed at providing an exchange platform for all actors (Customs authorities, holders and guarantee chain) involved in the TIR system. eTir international system aims to ensure a secure exchange of data between customs systems related to the international transit of goods, vehicles, and containers according to provisions of the TIR Convention.
The eTIR replaces the paper TIR Carnet, which traditionally serves as a Customs declaration, and accompanies the driver and cargo along the itinerary. Ensuring that Customs officers receive cargo information electronically before the cargo arrives, the eTIR makes international freight transport faster, more efficient, and more secure, contributing to increasing trade and boosting economic growth.
The need of the project comes from the challenges deriving from the cross-border trade complexities as a result of paper based transactions.
Electronic exchange of TIR data
Source: https://unece.org/DAM/trans/bcf/wp30/documents/2017/WP30_147_SCEIA.pdf
Guarantee information
Transit declaration
Drafting legal basis, Annex and reaching consensus.
Reduced administrative burden thanks to less paperwork
Enhanced security and reduced risk of fraud – identical information available at all customs offices en route electronically
Streamlining TIR procedures at border crossing points
Straightforward to implement and customize to differing national IT systems
IRU provided assistance. In 2015 MOU was signed between UNECE, IRU and the Governments of Turkey and Islamic Republic of Iran in order to initiate pilot projects.
Customs Authorities of Ukraine and Turkey confirmed their intention to jointly participate in the eTIR pilot for intermodal transport between the countries.
Other countries that expressed their interest in participating in the eTIR pilot include: Moldova, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, Pakistan
C. Relevant Standards
• WCO Data elements
• Core Components
• Code lists: UNECE, ISO,..