1. Title
Single Window Interoperability Recommendation No. 36 (UNECE and UN/CEFACT)
The purpose of this Recommendation is to provide details on the preparations needed, including the models for information sharing that need to be developed, before implementing bilateral and regional Single Windows, and to give examples of best practice. It presumes that Recommendations n°33 on Single Window implementation, n°34 on data simplification and standardization, and n°35 on the enabling legal environment for Single Window implementation have already been followed.
The scope of this Recommendation covers the interoperability between two or more electronic Single Windows in different countries or economies. It addresses the fundamentals needed for the exchange of information beyond the domain of a National Single Window.
3. Date of the instrument
c. Date of adoption/publication
5. Relevant documents
6. Contact point
a. Organization/individual
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) , United Nations Centre for Trade Facilitation and Electronic Business (UN/CEFACT)
b. Email
c. Website
7. Geographical coverage
8. Legal nature
9. Provisions relevant to the cross-border paperless trade