United Nations (UN) Convention on the Carriage of Goods by Sea (the "Hamburg Rules")
Dates of the instrument
Signature: 31 March 1978
Entry into force*: 01 November 1992
The United Nations Convention on the Carriage of Goods by Sea (Hamburg Rules) establishes a uniform legal regime governing the rights and obligations of shippers, carriers and consignees under a contract of carriage of goods by sea. Under both the Hague Rules and the Hamburg Rules, the carrier must issue a bill of lading if the shipper requests one. The Hamburg Rules specifically modernize documentation processes by addressing contemporary documentation techniques.
Key paperless trade provisions found in the Explanatory note by the UNCITRAL secretariat, Section B, point 11 on "Transport documents" include:
- Electronic signatures for bills of lading
- Mechanical signature methods
- Electronic documentation processing
- Digital authentication systems
- Alternative signature formats
- Electronic records management
- Cross-border document exchange
- Digital verification methods
- Document modernization protocols
- Automated documentation handling
Relevant document(s)
Geographical coverage
Legal nature
Trade processes
Transport Processes
Border and Regulatory Processes
Trade documents
Bill of Lading (BoL)
Sea Waybill (SW)
Sea Cargo Manifest (SCM)
Dangerous Goods Declaration (DGD)
Customs Declaration (CD)
Contact point
United Nations Commission on International Trade Law
Contact point
* For a model law – entry into force of the law enacting a model law; for a treaty–entry into force