
A. General Information

1. Title

ASEAN Single Window (ASW) pilot project

2. Status of the project
3. Implementation period of the project/service:
5. Geographical coverage
Regional: Asia and the Pacific
Participating countries: Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Viet Nam, Indonesia
6. Participating agencies/entities of the project/service:
a. Development stage
Lead agencies/entities
ASW Technical Working Group,
ASEAN Secretariat,
Representatives of Project Management Office, and the funding organization
Other participating agencies/entities
Customs administration, ministry of commerce
b. Operational stage
Lead agencies/entities (op)
ASW Technical Working Group, relevant ASEAN Secretariat, the representatives of Project Management Office, customs administration, ministry of commerce
Other participating agencies/entities (op)
7. Main stakeholders/beneficiaries of the project
Traders (big enterprises)
Traders (SMEs)
Customs brokers
Other Government Agencies (OGAs)
8. Business process category of the project
Regulatory/official control
In case of ATIGA e-Form D, the processes of issuing and submitting ATIGA e-Form D by the ministry of commerce and the notification of the receipt and utilization by both ministry of commerce and customs administration

B. Lessons Learned

9. Summary description of the project/service
Brief Summary

The ASEAN single window is a regional system integrating national single windows of ASEAN member states to facilitate exchange in terms of procedures and cost.  It allows for a single submission of data, a single synchronous processing of information and a single decision-making for customs


a. Objective(s)

The ASEAN Single Window (ASW) is a regional initiative that connects and integrates National Single Window (NSW) of ASEAN Member States. The ASW objective is to expedite cargo clearance and promote ASEAN economic integration by enabling the electronic exchange of border trade-related documents among ASEAN Member States (AMS).The system enables a single submission of data, a single synchronous processing of information and a single decision-making for Customs release and clearance among AMS and participating countries.

b. Business need for the project (background)

It was originated from the recommendation under Bali Concorde II in 2003 to enhance the competitiveness of ASEAN economies and goods and accelerate the customs clearance of goods and commodities in achieving higher economic efficiency 

c. Business process covered*

Exchange of ASEAN Customs Declaration Document(ACDD)

Exchange of ATIGA e-Form D through ASW

Exchange of Electronic Phytosanitary (e-Phyto) Certificates

Exchange of electronic Animal Health Certificate (e-AH)

Exchange of electronic Food Safety Certificate (e-FS)

ATIGA e-Form D is operated fully among all 10 ASEAN members.

In December 2020, 3 AMS namely Cambodia, Myanmar and Singapore started the exchange of the ASEAN Customs Declaration Document (ACDD) through the ASW, followed by Malaysia and Thailand from 31 March 2021. In November, 2021 the Philippines has been given the green light by ASEAN to in the electronic exchange of the ASEAN Customs Declaration Document. 

AMS are working on aligning the data structure of electronic Phytosanitary (e-Phyto) Certificate with the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) e-Phyto Guideline before planning for the end-to-end test exchange among ready AMS by 2021.

To expand the scope of the ASW, the ASEAN Single Window Steering Committee has developed the roadmap for the exchange of e-document with ASEAN Dialogue Partners (DPs) to identify the mandatory steps including a) feasibility study; b) legal framework establishment; and c) system implementation to enable the exchange of e-documents across the region.

d. Overall architecture and functionalities*

The operation and integration between the NSW of participating ASEAN member states in the secured ASW environment which comprise data exchange and reporting mechanism.


e. Relevant document/figure
10. Documents and data exchanged via the project

Customs Declaration Document(ACDD)

ATIGA e-Form D 

E-phyto certificates

11. Data models/databases, proprietary solutions, hybrid approaches

The operation and integration between the NSW of participating ASEAN member states in the secured ASW environment which comprise data exchange and reporting mechanism.

12. Main challenges faced during the project

Planning and preparation costs could be high and financial constraints remain an issue and implementation of the ASW pilot is very much dependent on external funding. and the government budget of each ASEAN member state.

13. Lessons learned from the project

The clear business process and all circumstances which the officials and traders practiced and encountered in the as-is situation must be completely identified before moving toward the to-be situation supported by electronic environment to ensure the less impact and improvement would be occurred in the on-board project.

14. Main benefit(s) of the project
Enhanced regulatory compliance*
Transaction Time savings
14A. Elaborations/detailed description on benefits gained

More effective and efficient deployment of resources, Correct and increased revenue yield, Improved trade compliance, Enhanced security, Increased integrity and transparency, Reduced costs decreased delays, Faster release and clearance. 

15. Technical/financial/capacity building/other assistance
16. Future plan for expansion of the project
  • Increase the participation by all ASEAN member states 
  • Exchange the additional e-document via ASW environment 
  • Enhance the public outreach and the collaboration with the business sectors 
17. Other information or relevant references on the project
18. Relevant document regarding the project

C. Relevant Standards

20. Electronic message standard
20A. Electronic message standard supporting the project
- WCO Data Model
- Other XML format: ebXML
20B. Type of standard for electronic message applied for the project
International standard
21. Technical communication standard
21A. Technical communication standard supporting the project
21B. Type of technical communication standard applied for the project
International standard
22. Security-related standards*
22A. Security-related standard supporting the project
TLS (Transport Layer Security) / SSL (Secure Socket Layer)
22B. Type of security-related standard applied for the project
International standard
23. Other Technical Information
23A. Interface developed for data exchange with an internal system
23B. Other technical implementation information