A. General Information
GACC and Mongolia Customs Administration eManifest electronic data exchange
B. Lessons Learned
Electronic Data Exchange between the Customs General Administration of Mongolia and the General Customs Administration of the PRC of Customs Clearance of Goods and Means of Transport.
a. To facilitate Trade
b. To secure the trade: minimize the illegal trade,
c. To better manage risks
d. To enhance effective Customs controls
e. To promote paperless trade
f. To promote Tariffs collection – from China
g. To promote effective revenue collection
h. To promote joint control
To raise the efficiency of control mechanisms, strengthen risk management and facilitate the clearance and quick release of goods, the two Customs Administrations have negotiated and piloted the information exchange through the relevant cross-border dry ports and customs checkpoints.
The legal bases for the information exchange are the Protocol to the Tripartiy Memorandum between the Customs General Administration of Mongolia and PRC GACC.
Customs Declaration for Import/Export
Risk Management in both Customs Administrations
Data verification and reconciling between the two administrations for the declared imports and exports
C2C electronic data exchange through APIs
- Before starting data exchange, exchange encryption key between two countries, and each country register registers this key to their system
- Application generates XML instance of cargo manifest
- Then, request MQ to send this message to the China Customs system by API
- MQ encrypts this message and envelops with the MQ environment
- Then, MQ sends this encrypted message to the China Customs MQ system
- If failed, Mongolian Customs MQ retry to send it to the China Customs MQ system
- Else, the China Customs MQ system sends an Acknowledgement to the Mongolian Customs MQ system
Joint Cargo Manifest
- China: Combine from conveyance (transport means report), consignment (Cargo manifest) +
declaration from customs broker or exporter
- Mongolia: Combine from consignment (Cargo manifest) + declaration
WCO DM 3.0 was used as a reference data model.
- Mongolian Customs has used an international code list based on WCO CDM 2.0 and added their own code
Overall, challenges were related to the harmonization of data to be exchanged, code lists to be used, and Data Models to adopt. Because Mongolian Customs code lists were not following the WCO DM 3.0, there were some difficulties in harmonizing the data elements. The problem was settled by harmonizing the code lists when sending the messages.
C. Relevant Standards
- The Agreement between the Government of Mongolia and the Government of the People’s Republic of China on Mongolian and Chinese Border Ports and Their Regimes was signed on 5 July 2004 in Beijing in Mongolian and Chinese. In total 12 border crossing points are included in the Project.
- The Protocol between the Customs General Administration of Mongolia and the General Customs Administration of the PRC on Exchange of Information was signed on 1 June 2010 in Ulaanbaatar in Mongolian, Chinese and English. It provides for the electronic exchange of foreign trade statistical data according to agreed formats using either Microsoft Access (*.mdb.) or MS Excel. It also provides for the exchange of information related to Customs control and examination, particularly information on border traffics, imported and exported goods, Customs offense and crimes, and measures on joint Customs control and claims.
- XML Digital Signature, encryption/decryption, PKI, hash-value, etc.
- Cross verification of digital signature based on X.509 PKI