A. General Information
Interconnectivity of Customs IT systems between Burkina Faso and Togo
B. Lessons Learned
This project aims at making Burkina Faso and Togo's Customs IT systems interconnected to facilitate and secure international trade through best practices, the prevention of frauds, the simplification of transit operations and the establishment of a regional transit database.
This interconnectivity project between the two neighbouring countries of Burkina Faso and Togo originated in the creation of the Cinkassé Joint Customs Post on the border between the two countries and the inclusion of Togo in the PACIR Project (Trade and Regional Integration Support Programme) along with Côte d’Ivoire, Burkina Faso, Mali and Senegal. The interconnectivity project was launched in 2016. The objectives of the project are;
to facilitate and secure international trade by implementing best trade practices in
accordance with the WCO SAFE Framework of Standards;
to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of transit procedures;
to improve the prevention and detection of fraud;
to simplify and secure transit operations;
to make it possible for transit data to be exchanged electronically;
to establish a regional transit database.
The Customs IT system interconnectivity project is one of the actions undertaken by ECOWAS to improve the flow in the circulation of goods on the various road corridors of its regional area by making precise information available to Customs offices in digital form on cargoes in transit from one state to another.
It allows Customs offices in the country of departure of the transit consignment to send data about the consignment in real time to the Customs offices en route and the Customs office of destination. It also means that the Customs offices en route can inform the office of departure that the vehicle and goods have passed through and the office of destination can confirm the arrival of the vehicle and the acceptance of the cargo.
The principles underlying the project relate to a functional solution and a technical solution.
A functional solution, adopted on a legal basis comprising the Revised Kyoto Convention, the Inter-State Road Transit (ISRT) Convention, the DDU Incoterm, etc.
A technical solution, comprising XML messaging by means of the ActiveMQ and JMS
server, allowing exchanges of data relating to the pending transaction.
Interconnected systems
either ASYCUDA-to-ASYCUDA or ASYCUDA connected to other systems.
Content of the solution
National and joint processes have been established at the office of departure, enabling classification of some processes (initiation of transit, printing of thetransit accompanying document) as national responsibilities, of other processes(transfer of data to the border Customs office and the Customs office ofdestination) as joint responsibilities and of others (recording of data at the borderoffice and at the office of destination) as both national and joint responsibilities.
Technological architecture: The interconnection of the Customs systems is effected through a virtual private network (VPN), which eliminates the need to create or have recourse to a centralized system. A system of standardization, based on a template, is used between the two Customs administrations.
Exchange of transit documentation
accurate, smooth and effective exchange of information on transit operations;
acceptance by both parties of the principle of a single guarantee;
transit operations covered by a single document;
reduction of Customs clearance times and lower transit costs resulting from the
simplification of formalities;
transit facilitated and secured;
facilitation of local cross-border economic activity.
Financial support was provided by EU, WB, GIZ.
A technical solution, comprises XML messaging by means of the ActiveMQ and JMS
server, allowing exchanges of data relating to the pending transaction.