A. General Information
Iran-Azerbaijan eTIR project
B. Lessons Learned
Iran and Azerbaijan customs offices launched joint online service known as eTIR project to speed up customs formalities between the two countries. Mutual consent was given to the introduction of a digital version of TIR on routes between these countries.
Moving to eTIR offers transport operators in both countries real-time data availability, online monitoring and improved reliability. The new legal framework for the full digitalization of the TIR system (the so-called eTIR) entered into force on May 25.2021 opening eTIR to 77 countries across five continents. “This landmark change will allow for completely paperless cross-border transit of goods, under the customs guarantee of the TIR system,” reads the release. The TIR system operates in almost 70 countries and continues to expand. Following Egypt’s accession to the TIR Convention at the end of last year, countries in Africa, Asia and South America continue to proactively move towards the accession and subsequent implementation of the fully paperless system. The TIR system is administered by its Contracting Parties under the auspices of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), and is governed by the provisions of the TIR Convention. It constitutes a public-private partnership between the Contracting Parties and the international guarantee chain, which is managed by the International Road Transport Union (IRU) – the world’s road transport organization – and national associations. It is currently in operation in 58 countries, covering the whole of Europe and extending to North Africa, the Middle East and Central Asia. In July 2016, China became the 70th Contracting Party to the TIR Convention, marking an important new milestone for its ongoing global expansion.
The eTIR replaces the paper TIR Carnet, which traditionally serves as a Customs declaration, and accompanies the driver and cargo along the itinerary. Ensuring that Customs officers receive cargo information electronically before the cargo arrives, the eTIR makes international freight transport faster, more efficient, and more secure, contributing to increasing trade and boosting economic growth.
The eTIR replaces the paper TIR Carnet, which traditionally serves as a Customs declaration, and accompanies the driver and cargo along the itinerary. Ensuring that Customs officers receive cargo information electronically before the cargo arrives, the eTIR makes international freight transport faster, more efficient, and more secure, contributing to increasing trade and boosting economic growth.
- WCO Data model - WCO Data elements - UNTDED - Core Components - UN/EDIFACT - Code lists: UNECE, ISO,..
eTIR relies on the principles contained in the WCO SAFE Framework of Standards to Secure and Facilitate Global Trade, and makes use of the WCO Data Model.