A. General Information
Japan electronic certificate of Origin in PDF format with partner countries
B. Lessons Learned
Certificates of origin (COO) will be shifted to issuance in PDF format for Viet Nam under the Japan-Viet Nam Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA), the Japan-India EPA, the Japan-Malaysia EPA and the Japan-ASEAN Comprehensive Economic Partnership (AJCEP) Agreement.
Simplify processes for businesses.
Digitalization of certificate of origins to streamline procedures and facilitate trade
Exchange of certificates of origin
When exporting a product from Japan using the third-party certification system under the EPA, an exporter must apply for the issuance of a CO, after submitting documents to the Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry (JCCI)—the designated issuing body—to prove that the exporting product is of Japanese origin under the EPA and receiving JCCI’s certification.
Certificates of origin