
A. General Information

1. Title

Total Trade Platform

2. Implementation period of the project/service:
4. Geographical coverage
Participating countries: Belgium, Canada, Hong Kong, China, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Thailand, United States of America, Viet Nam
Hub Point: Singapore
5. Participating agencies/entities of the project/service:
a. Development stage
Lead agencies/entities
CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd
Other participating agencies/entities
b. Operational stage
Lead agencies/entities (op)
CrimsonLogic Pte Ltd
Other participating agencies/entities (op)
6. Main stakeholders/beneficiaries of the service
Traders (big enterprises)
Traders (SMEs)
Customs brokers
Other Government Agencies (OGAs)
7. Business process category of the service
Commercial Transactions
Forwarding and cargo handling
Regulatory/official control

B. Lessons Learned

8. Summary description of the project/service
Brief Summary

CrimsonLogic's Total Trade platform enables the exchange of trade data on a global scale. It comprises a government-centric platform and a business-centric platform that brings together the key physical and non-physical activities of logistics in a digital ecosystem serving the logistics community. 

History of All Logos: All Crimson Logic Logos

a. Objective(s)

In line with CrimsonLogic’s vision is to be the world’s leading Total Trade service provider, its “Total Trade Platform” harnesses its expertise in trade facilitation and digital technologies to enable governments and businesses to orchestrate the global movement of goods, making international trade more competitive, resilient and sustainable.

b. Business need for the service (background)

Navigating the supply chain ecosystem can be a daunting task as efficiency gains is inhibited by the lack of data standardisation and flow, disparate systems, regulatory constraints, and associated financial risk. Apart from authenticity of the documentation, supply chain processes can be manual and document intensive. With disparate data sources, data sharing and collaboration across the supply chain is becoming disconnected and fragmented.

c. Business process covered*

CrimsonLogic’s Total Trade Platform bridges digital silos and physical chasms that now exist in the import and export value chain, making it easier for governments and businesses to collaborate. It bridges digital silos by connecting disparate systems through managing, exchanging and transforming trade data. Gaps between the digital and physical are bridged through real-time visibility and tracking of goods movement through the different stages of international shipping. The Platform comprises two suites of interoperable modules, one being government-centric and the other, business-centric.

d. Overall architecture and functionalities*

Our product suite spans both government centric and business applications, for trade facilitation, regulatory enforcement and supervision. The government centric platform - TFP (Trade Facilitation Platform) covers Single Window, Customs Management, Free Trade Zone Management, Permits & Licenses, Advanced Risk Analytics, Trade Advisory, Trade Visualisation, Cross Border, e-Martime Single Window; Our business centric platform is called CALISTA. CALISTA is a global supply chain orchestration platform, that provides applications to address the 3 main flows in cross-border trade: Logistics (I.e. moving cargo from point A to B) Compliance (involving trade advisory, customs clearance and post clearance support) Finance: Providing the business community access to trade finance, low cost cross border payments and insurance products The Government centric solutions may be hosted on premises or on the cloud and the Business centric services are primarily offered as a SaaS.

e. Relevant document/figure
9. Documents and data exchanged via the service

Primarily all data from shipment documents such as packing list, invoice, B/L, booking confirmation, etc. are typically exchanged. Our platform/services support both the exchange of structured (data in XML, JSON, CSV, EDI, etc.) as well as unstructured data (e.g. PDF).

10. Data models/databases, proprietary solutions, hybrid approaches

For storing the data relational databases as well as object stores are used. For unstructured data Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning techniques are used to extract information to our proprietary ontologies for processing.

11. Main challenges faced during the service

The harmonisation of data across different countries, regimes, regulatory submission types posed a great challenge. We have implemented some forms of harmonisation e.g. at Manifest or Declaration levels, and developed a hybrid approach to organise and categorise data in a intermediate step prior to applying validation/business rules and generating the outputs for dowstream systems or processes.

12. Lessons learned from the service

Trade data / requirements for each country can be rather different and complex depending on the in-country Customs requirements. Attempting to harmonise into a global repository is rather unachievable. Different techniques to group/categories based on regimes or regions are more achievable.

13. Main benefit(s) of the service
Enhanced regulatory compliance* -- rate: -%
Transaction Cost savings* -- rate: -%
Transaction Time savings
Simplified process
Increased trade flow
13A. Elaborations/detailed description on benefits gained

Benefit for governments: It provides a high degree of control. With visibility of the end-to-end movement and clearance of goods across borders, the platform ensures compliance to trade regulations. Benefits to businesses: Businesses experience reduction in submission errors and faster customs clearance. With improved control and connectivity, productivity and efficiency are increased. Businesses become more profitable, while the country becomes more attractive to investors, giving it a competitive edge in the global economy.

14. Technical/financial/capacity building/other assistance

All are built in-house.

15. Future plan for expansion of the service

For TFP or CALISTA project implementation, we typically provide knowledge transfer for customers to be able to self-support as well as perform their own configuration on our products. Moving forward, we plan to expand coverage to more countries and rolling out services targetting more customer segments.

16. Other information or relevant references on the service

[Success story] A shipping and logistics provider based in Saudi Arabia finds peace of mind in meeting Customs requirements. Challenge: Being up to date with and interpreting Customs requirements correctly required significant time and effort, as a misinterpretation would result in rejection of the declaration, which could delay the clearing of physical cargo. Solution: They needed an intuitive solution for Customs declarations. Results: With the CALISTA regulatory filing service, they were able to have more assurance for successful declarations, increased compliance as well as substantial time and costs savings.

17. Relevant document regarding the service

C. Relevant Standards

19. Electronic message standard
19A. Electronic message standard supporting the service
Various – XML, CSV, JSON, Excel, EDI, etc.:
19B. Type of standard for electronic message applied for the service
International standard
Industry-specific standard
Technical recommendations from international body(ies)
Proprietary solution
20. Technical communication standard
20A. Technical communication standard supporting the service
20B. Type of technical communication standard applied for the service
International standard
Industry-specific standard
Technical recommendations from international body(ies)
Proprietary solution
21. Security-related standards*
21A. Security-related standard supporting the service
TLS (Transport Layer Security) / SSL (Secure Socket Layer)
VPN (Virtual Private Network)
Payload (message) encryption (text security)
Digital signatures
21B. Type of security-related standard applied for the service
International standard
Industry-specific standard
Technical recommendations from international body(ies)
Proprietary solution
22. Other Technical Information
22A. Interface developed for data exchange with an internal system
For internal system data exchange, we generally use
API, and file based transfer for certain legacy process.
22B. Other technical implementation information