Latest Projects

Regional Customs Cooperation in Latin America

The project supports the Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) Regional Recognition Arrangement (RRA) negotiations and joint site validations that are essential for the signing of the regional arrangement.

Korea-India Electronic Origin Data Exchange System (EODES)

The Electronic Origin Data Exchange System aims at facilitating the smooth implementation of the India-Korea Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) by way of electronic exchange of origin information between the two customs administrations in respect of the goods traded under the CEPA.

GIZ – “Trade facilitation in Central Asia (TFCA)”

The project aims at simplifying procedures and processes of international trade in the following Central Asian countries: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.

Latest Services


TradeTrust was designed to address the challenges of paper-based international trade. TradeTrust, comprises globally accepted standards that allow governments and businesses to endorse, exchange and verify documents and effect title transfer across different digital platforms seamlessly.

HSBC - Contour Blockchain Platform

Using blockchain technology, the Contour platform tracks and traces information as it moves between parties. Contour’s objective is to provide a single, simplified channel to enable digitization of the trade finance process, from issuance of Letters of Credit through to the exchange of documents.

ARQIT – TradeSecure 

TradeSecure generates and distributes digital trade finance instruments, protecting financial supply chains from disruption and fraud and improving their cash flow. Arqit TradeSecure can secure digital negotiable instruments, including digital promissory notes and digital bills of exchange.


Maintenance of this database is supported by financial and human resources provided by the Governments of China, France and the Republic of Korea. Its launch was made possible by a project funded by the Republic of Korea entitled “Capacity Building on Trade Facilitation and the Asia-Pacific Trade Agreement (APTA) Promotion to Strengthen Intra-regional Cooperation” (Phases II and III), a project funded by China entitled “Facilitating Cross-Border Paperless Trade along the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) Corridors for Regional Integration and Sustainable Development - Phase II”, as well as a UN Development Account project “Transport and trade connectivity in the age of pandemics: contactless, seamless and collaborative UN solutions”. The underlying content and online submission forms benefited from inputs by UNNExT experts and advisory groups, as well as reviews by the technical and legal working groups of the Interim Intergovernmental Steering Group for Cross-Border Paperless Trade Facilitation in Asia and the Pacific in 2019/2020.